Please take some time to read the terms and conditions from Cornwall Holidays. By purchasing one of our products here you agree to our terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms we won’t take it personally, but please do not use our product. Thank you.
1. Privacy Agreement.
- Cornwall Holidays will keep your contact details secure for business purposes
- Your contact details will not be shared with anyone else
- We May send you updates or special offers periodically as one of our valued partners
2. Payments for Social Media or Website Advertising.
- We ask that payments are made direct to Cornwall Holidays within 24 hours of the advert going live
- Unfortunately if you fail to pay then we will need to remove your advert from all our social media and website pages
3. Refunds
- Cornwall Holidays advertising packages provide your business a chance for wider exposure
- Paid advertisers get access to more prominent placing and extra promotion but we cannot ever guarantee that an advert will produce sales of your product or service
- We do not refund in the scenario that no product or service has been sold off the back of one of your adverts
- We would not provide a refund if your property was not booked via our website
4. Monthly Advertising Fees
- When you sign up and pay for a monthly advertising service we will take the monthly payment via the payment method you signed up with.
- You can choose from any one of our packages and self manage your listing. Our support team are always on hand to help assist.
5. Cancellations
- Monthly advertising packages are not subject to a fixed-term contract. You are free to cancel at any time and your advertising package will lapse at the end of the current monthly period.
- Monthly rates are locked in when you join us. Be aware that should you cancel and wish to rejoin at a later date, you will be subject to rejoining at the current rate, which may be significantly higher than your current price. Contact us if you are unsure.